Revelation is oil and collage painting made to acoustic board. Painting is last piece for serie ”Silenced acceptance”, wich is making that serie fully complete. Painting is three dimensional and made almost only from recycled materials only. Painting is now at exhibition at Taidekeskus Mältinranta, and it is staying there 30.3.-23.4.2024.
Revelation, Oil and collage to acoustic board, 200x400cm, 2024
Silenced acceptance
This serie is painted on Finnish acoustic board (Konto acoustics), wich is made from peat, and there is also used oil and collage techniques.
Paintings presents state of our societies and toughts about common ideologies, wich is taking place at our times.
This serie has been exhibited at Galleria Ronga, Tampere, Finland.
Lie, lay, limo, Oil and collage to acoustic board, 120x100cm, 2023Where is the snake, Oil and collage to acoustic board, 150x120cm, 2023Fallen priest, Oil and collage to acoustic board, 120x100cm, 2023Who shot the pigeon?, Oil and collage to acoustic board, 120x100cm, 2023Healthy breakfast, Oil and collage to acoustic board, 120x100cm, 2023Cartoon time, Oil and collage to acoustic board, 90x70cm, 2023Euphrates has dried, Oil and collage to acoustic board, 150x120cm, 2023Falling stars, Oil and collage to acoustic board, 120x100cm, 2023Who´s driving?, Oil and collage to acoustic board, 80x100cm, 2023Sunday afternoon, Oil and collage to acoustic board, 100x120cm, 2023Coming for your children, Oil and collage to acoustic board, 150x120cm, 2023Only for fans, Oil and collage to acoustic board, 150x120cm, 2023
This serie is painted on canvas using oil and collage techniques.
Serie is continuum for ideas wich came from living and studying at AVU, Academy of Fine Arts at Prague.
This serie has been exhibited at Galleria Porin Saskiat, Pori, Finland.
Morning table, oil and collage to canvas, 89x116cm, 2023Chilling woman, oil and collage to canvas, 89x116cm, 2023Woman and child, oil and collage to canvas, 150x100cm, 2023Flowers at the table II, oil and collage to canvas, 116x89cm, 2023International chess, oil and collage to canvas, 116x89cm, 2023Guitar at the ruins, oil and collage to canvas 116x89cm, 2023Studio table, oil and collage to canvas, 116x89cm, 2023Flowers at the table, oil and collage to canvas, 150x100cm, 2023Woman and child at the bed, oil and collage to canvas, 100x150cm, 2023
Studies of Mikulandská
This serie is painted on canvas with using acrylic and oil techniques, but also with charcoal to paper and with phone drawing app.
This serie was first insights to create new way of painting and new style for me to contine working with painting. Insights came from two month period of self-study, but also from critique at Academy of Fine Arts at Prague, where i spended half year studying.
This serie has been exhibited at AVU, Academy of Fine Arts and Balbi Bar, Prague, Czech Republic.
Bible under the lamp on the table, mixed media on canvas, 90x75cm, 2023Flower on the table and chair, mixed media on canvas, 75x60cm, 2023Winebottle and glass on table, mixed media on canvas, 90x75cm, 2023Roses on bowl at the table, mixed media on canvas, 90x65cm, 2023Night table with lamp and bowl, mixed media, 100x75cm, 2023Smoking man on chair (self-portrait), mixed media on canvas, 120x95cm, 2023Chair, table and empty frames, mixed media on canvas, 135x120cm, 2023Books and lamp on the night table, phone drawingCurtain front of window, phone drawingEmpty canvas front of book shelf, phone drawingPillow on the chair, phone drawingMan with a hat, phone drawingChair, phone drawingView from livingroom, phone drawing
Pientä menneisyyttä Vuonna 2024 kevät toi mukanaan valmistumisen Satakunnan ammattikorkeakoulusta (SAMK) sekä kulttuurialan korkeakoulututkinnon kuvataiteilijan nimikkeellä. Sanotaanko näin, että koko neljävuotinen kouluaika oli intensiivinen kaikkine opintoineen sekä myös muutoksineen ja työskentelyineen sekä … Jatka lukemista ”Nukkeanimaatioelokuva lavasteet, Kerrostalo”
Pieni katsaus menneisyyteen Vuonna 2023 opiskelin Prahassa paikallisessa taideyliopistossa, AVU:ssa (Akademie výtvarných umění) vaihto-opiskelun merkeissä ja tapasin kesällä tuttavani Kimmo Gustafssonin, jolle oli sattunut välilento Prahaan hänen ollessa jalkapallomatkoillaan Espanjassa. Tapasimme ja … Jatka lukemista ”Maalaus, Revelation”
Kuukauden päivät oleskelua ja ”opiskelua” Prahassa takanapäin. Kaupunki on vertaansa vailla kaikkine hienoine arkkitehtuurisine rakenteineen ja vanhan maailman tyyliin uskollisena rakennettuine linnoineen. Kevät tekee totisesti täällä tuloaan. Tukikohtana toimii Midulanskalla erittäin mukavassa … Jatka lukemista ”Mikulandskán tutkimuksia”
Kirjoitan tämän tekstin työhuoneellani Tampereen Tammelassa. Olen pohtinut mielen ja olemisen erilaisia ulottuvuuksia jo ennen aloitettuani tuomaan visioitani esiin maalaamisen avulla vuonna 2017. Elämäni koki suuren murroskohdan vuonna 2014, jolloin ymmärsin elämää … Jatka lukemista ”Ulottuvuudet puhuttavat, osa II”
Ulottuvuudet puhuttavat, totta tosiaan. Elämähän on erilaisten terävien kulmien, kaikenlaisten rakennelmien, niin ajatuksellisien kuin silminnähtävien, kuin myös asioiden ja tapahtumien taukoamatonta havaintoa. Elämä on vain yksi iso tulkinta jostakin, muuttuva johtopäätös informaation mutatoituessa … Jatka lukemista ”Ulottuvuudet puhuttavat”